
What Do Backyard Lizards Eat?


Step into your backyard, and you’ll likely encounter diverse creatures, from chirping birds to buzzing insects. That’s just like regular days. But have you ever paused and wondered about what you saw? A big reptail! Look at the fascinating world of backyard lizards and uncover their secrets. What do backyard lizards eat? From the tiny insects that serve as their main course to the occasional indulgence in fruits and nectar.

Discover their quiet hunting techniques, nutritional requirements, and the remarkable adaptations that make them such agile predators. With this knowledge, you can create a lizard-friendly environment in your backyard. Attracting these beneficial reptiles and fostering a harmonious balance with nature. Also, know about the types of garden lizards. Crack the code of lizard dining habits and embark on a journey of discovery that will forever change your perception of these captivating creatures. Get ready to be enthralled by their menu and delve into the depths of their gastronomic world.

Key Takeaways

  • Backyard lizards have diverse diets, primarily consisting of insects and arachnids.
  • Some lizard species also consume small vertebrates, such as mice or other lizards.
  • Certain backyard lizards, like some skinks and blue-tongued skinks, include fruits and nectar in their diet.
  • Backyard lizards exhibit various hunting techniques, including visual hunting, ambush strategies, and tongue projection to capture prey.
  • Backyard lizards have specific nutritional requirements, including macronutrients and micronutrients.
  • Backyard lizards play a beneficial role in pest control by consuming common garden pests and offering a natural alternative to chemical pesticides.

Types of Garden Lizards

Types of garden lizards

Backyard habitats are home to a diverse range of lizard species. Each species has its unique characteristics, dietary preferences, and adaptations. Let’s discover in detail some of the common types of backyard lizards.

Anole lizards

Anole lizards are small, agile, and commonly found in backyard environments, especially in tropical and subtropical regions. They have a varied diet consisting primarily of insects such as ants, beetles, spiders, and small invertebrates. Anole lizards are known for their ability to change color, which helps them communicate and regulate body temperature.


Skinks are a diverse group of lizards with many species inhabiting backyards around the world. They have a slender body shape and smooth scales, allowing them to move quickly on the ground. Skinks are insectivorous and feed on a wide variety of small insects, including beetles, crickets, and caterpillars.


Geckos are nocturnal lizards known for their distinctive toe pads that allow them to climb walls and ceilings. They have specialized diet preferences and primarily feed on insects such as moths, crickets, and cockroaches. Some gecko species also consume small spiders and other arachnids found in their habitat.

Fence lizards

Fence lizards, also known as swifts, are common in many backyard areas, especially in North America. They have a varied diet that includes insects like ants, termites, beetles, and grasshoppers. Fence lizards are known for their quick reflexes and ability to perform push-up displays to establish territory.

Swifts and swiftlets

Swifts and swiftlets are small to medium-sized lizards often found in warm regions, including backyard habitats. They primarily feed on flying insects such as flies, mosquitoes, and small moths. Swifts and swiftlets are skilled aerial hunters and use their speed and agility to catch their prey in mid-air.

Chuckwallas and spiny tail iguanas

Chuckwallas and spinytail iguanas are larger lizards that inhabit arid regions and can be found in some backyard environments. They are herbivorous and primarily feed on leaves, flowers, fruits, and other plant matter. Chuckwallas and spinytail iguanas are known for their ability to withstand high temperatures and seek refuge in rocky crevices.

Blue-tongued skinks

Blue-tongued skinks are medium-sized lizards recognized for their distinct blue tongue used as a warning display. They have an omnivorous diet, consuming a combination of plant matter, such as flowers and fruits, and small invertebrates. Blue-tongued skinks are opportunistic feeders and can adapt their diet based on food availability.

Other backyard lizard species

Backyards may also host other lizard species, such as plated lizards, spiny lizards, or even small monitors. These lizards have their specific dietary preferences and adaptations based on their natural habitats.

Cracking the Code: What’s on the Menu for Lizards?

Enter the mysterious world of lizards and unravel the secrets of their dining preferences. With their sleek movements and keen senses, these scaly creatures have a fascinating selection of food choices. From the protein-packed feast of insects and invertebrates to the occasional indulgence in fruits and nectar, their dietary habits will leave you in awe.

Cracking the code what on the menu for lizards

Menu for Lizards:


Lizards have a voracious appetite for a wide variety of insects, including:

  • Crickets
  • Mealworms
  • Beetles
  • Grasshoppers


Some lizard species, such as blue-tongued skinks, enjoy a sweet treat of fruits.

  • Berries,
  • Melons
  • Soft fruits like bananas and mangoes


Certain herbivorous lizard species, like iguanas and chuckwallas, relish a diverse range of vegetables. Leafy greens, such as kale, spinach, and collard greens, along with vegetables like squash and carrots, provide essential nutrients.


While lizards are primarily insectivorous or herbivorous, there are a few exceptions. Some larger species, such as monitor lizards, have been known to consume small vertebrates like rodents, birds, or even other lizards.

Water Requirements

Backyard lizards have varying water requirements, depending on their species and habitat. Some lizards obtain the necessary hydration from the food they consume, while others may actively seek out water sources. Providing a water source in your backyard, such as a shallow dish, can attract lizards and offer them a vital resource.

Insects and Invertebrates

Insects and invertebrates form a significant portion of the diet for many backyard lizards. These small creatures are a vital food source, providing essential nutrients and energy. Let’s delve into a detailed discussion on the role of insects and invertebrates in the diet of backyard lizards:

Insects and invertebrates

Primary food source

Insects and invertebrates serve as the primary food source for most backyard lizards.

Lizards actively hunt and consume a wide range of insects, including ants, beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, flies, and caterpillars.

The abundance and diversity of insects in a backyard habitat influence the availability of prey for lizards.

Nutritional value

Insects and invertebrates are highly nutritious, providing essential proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. The nutrient composition of different insects varies, allowing lizards to obtain a diverse array of nutrients from their diet. The calcium content of some invertebrates, such as crickets and mealworms, is crucial for maintaining healthy bones and egg production in female lizards.

Hunting techniques

Backyard lizards employ various hunting techniques to capture insects and invertebrates. Some lizards, like chameleons and anoles, use their long, sticky tongues to catch fast-moving prey. Other lizards, such as skinks and fence lizards, chase down their prey on the ground or ambush insects as they pass by.

Adaptations for insect consumption

Lizards possess physical adaptations that aid in capturing and consuming insects. Many lizards have sharp teeth or serrated jaws to grip and hold onto their prey. Some lizards, like geckos, have adhesive toe pads that enable them to climb walls and snatch insects from crevices.

Impact on insect populations

Backyard lizards play a crucial role in regulating insect populations in their ecosystems. By consuming insects, lizards help control pest populations, reducing the need for chemical pesticides. The presence of lizards in a backyard can contribute to a more balanced and sustainable ecosystem.

Potential risks

While insects and invertebrates are vital food sources for backyard lizards, certain species may pose risks. Some insects, like fire ants or venomous spiders, can be harmful or toxic to lizards if consumed. Lizards may exhibit selective feeding behaviors and avoid potentially dangerous prey.

Arachnids and Spiders

Arachnids and spiders

Arachnids, including spiders, are occasional prey for backyard lizards. While insects form the primary food source, lizards may opportunistically consume arachnids when available. Here is a detailed discussion of the interaction between backyard lizards and arachnids:

Spider feasting

Some backyard lizards, such as certain species of anoles, skinks, and geckos, occasionally include spiders in their diet. Lizards may consume a variety of spider species, including common house spiders, orb-weavers, and jumping spiders. The availability of spiders depends on factors like habitat, season, and local spider populations.

Venomous spiders and risks

Backyard lizards have evolved strategies to mitigate risks associated with consuming venomous spiders.

Lizards may exhibit selective feeding behavior, avoiding spiders with potent venom. Lizard species that frequently encounter venomous spiders may develop resistance or immunity to their venom.

Small Vertebrates

Small vertebrates

While insects and invertebrates make up the majority of the diet for backyard lizards, some species occasionally prey on small vertebrates. Here’s a detailed discussion on the consumption of small vertebrates by backyard lizards:

Examples of prey

Backyard lizards may consume a variety of small vertebrates, including other reptiles, amphibians, and rodents. Reptilian prey may include smaller lizards or juvenile snakes. Amphibians such as frogs, tadpoles, and small salamanders are also potential prey items. In some cases, small rodents like mice or voles may be hunted by larger backyard lizard species.

Opportunistic predation

Lizards typically feed on small vertebrates when the opportunity arises. The availability of small vertebrate prey depends on factors such as habitat, season, and the lizard’s size and capabilities. Backyard lizards are not specialized or obligate vertebrate predators, and such predation is more infrequent compared to their consumption of insects and invertebrates.

Feeding behavior and adaptations

Lizards employ various feeding techniques when consuming small vertebrates. Some lizards may seize their prey using their jaws and consume it whole, while others may tear their prey into smaller, manageable pieces. Specialized teeth, jaws, and muscular digestive systems aid lizards in processing and assimilating small vertebrate prey.

Importance in diet

The consumption of small vertebrates supplements the nutritional requirements of backyard lizards.

Small vertebrates provide a different nutritional profile compared to insects and invertebrates, offering a source of fats, proteins, and certain minerals. While not the mainstay of their diet, the occasional consumption of small vertebrates contributes to the overall dietary diversity and balance of backyard lizards.

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Fruit and Nectar

Fruit and nectar

While most backyard lizards are primarily insectivorous, some species supplement their diet with fruit and nectar. Here is a detailed discussion on the consumption of fruit and nectar by backyard lizards:

Fruit consumption

Certain backyard lizard species, such as some skinks and blue-tongued skinks, include fruits in their diet. They may consume a variety of fruits, such as berries, soft fruits, and even fallen fruits from trees and shrubs. Fruit consumption provides lizards with additional nutrients, including sugars, vitamins, and minerals.

Nectar eating

Some backyard lizards, such as geckos and anoles, may occasionally consume nectar from flowers. Nectar is a sugary fluid produced by flowering plants to attract pollinators. Lizards obtain energy from the sugars in nectar, supplementing their diet with this additional food source.

Role in pollination

While lizards are not the primary pollinators of flowering plants, their occasional consumption of nectar can contribute to pollination. As lizards move from flower to flower, they may inadvertently transfer pollen, aiding in plant reproduction. Lizards’ interaction with flowers and consumption of nectar play a minor role in the ecosystem’s overall pollination process.

Omnivorous Lizards

Some backyard lizards exhibit an omnivorous diet, incorporating both animal and plant matter into their meals. Here is a detailed discussion on omnivorous lizards:

Omnivorous lizards

Blue-tongued skinks

Blue-tongued skinks are a notable example of omnivorous lizards commonly found in backyards. They have a versatile diet, consuming a combination of insects, invertebrates, small vertebrates, fruits, and plant matter. Their wide-ranging diet allows them to adapt to different food sources based on availability and nutritional requirements.

Adaptations for omnivore

Omnivorous lizards possess adaptations that facilitate the consumption of both animal and plant matter. They have a combination of sharp teeth for tearing flesh and flattened teeth for grinding plant material. Their digestive systems are equipped to process a variety of food types, enabling efficient utilization of nutrients.

Nutritional balance

Omnivorous lizards have a broader range of nutrient sources, which helps maintain a balanced diet. By incorporating both animal and plant matter into their diet, they can obtain a diverse array of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. This dietary flexibility contributes to their overall health and allows them to thrive in different environments.

Hunting Techniques and Adaptations

Backyard lizards have developed various hunting techniques and adaptations to capture their prey. The diverse hunting techniques and adaptations of backyard lizards highlight their remarkable ability to secure food and thrive in their environments. Here is a detailed discussion of their hunting techniques and adaptations:

Hunting techniques and adaptations

Visual predators

Many backyard lizards rely on their visual senses to detect and capture prey. They have keen eyesight, which helps them spot small insects and invertebrates from a distance. Lizards such as anoles and fence lizards actively search for prey by scanning their surroundings.

Ambush predators

Some backyard lizards employ ambush tactics to capture their prey. These lizards remain motionless, blending with their environment, and strike at passing insects or small invertebrates. Skinks and geckos are examples of lizards that utilize ambush strategies.

Tongue projection

Certain lizards, such as chameleons and anoles, possess an incredible adaptation called tongue projection. They can rapidly extend their long, sticky tongues to capture insects with precision. This unique hunting technique allows them to catch fast-moving prey that would otherwise be challenging to capture.

Camouflage and stealth

Many backyard lizards have evolved coloration and patterns that help them blend into their surroundings. Camouflage enables them to remain undetected by both prey and potential predators. Their ability to move quietly and stealthily allows them to approach prey without alarming them.

4 Environmental Factors

Various environmental factors influence the presence, abundance, and feeding behavior of backyard lizards. Here is a detailed discussion on the impact of environmental factors on backyard lizards:

1. Habitat

The type and quality of habitat directly affect the availability of prey for backyard lizards. Lizards thrive in habitats that offer diverse vegetation, suitable microhabitats, and sufficient hiding spots. Factors such as temperature, humidity, and vegetation density play a role in determining the presence and activity levels of lizards.

2. Climate

Different lizard species have specific climate preferences and adaptations. The temperature and moisture levels in a backyard ecosystem influence lizard activity, feeding patterns, and overall survival. Some species are more active during warm seasons, while others can tolerate colder temperatures or even hibernate.

3. Predators and competitors

The presence of predators and competitors in the backyard ecosystem can impact lizards’ feeding behavior. Predatory birds, snakes, mammals, and even other lizards can affect the foraging patterns and feeding opportunities for backyard lizards. The availability of suitable hiding places and protective cover can mitigate the risk of predation and competition.

4. Human impact

Human activities, such as landscaping, pesticide use, and habitat destruction, can significantly impact backyard lizard populations. Excessive use of chemical pesticides can harm both the lizards and their insect prey. Maintaining a natural and well-balanced backyard ecosystem supports the presence and well-being of lizards.

Lizards as Pest Control

Backyard lizards play a beneficial role in controlling pests, contributing to the ecological balance of the ecosystem. Appreciating the role of lizards in pest control contributes to creating a lizard-friendly backyard environment that supports their presence and enhances the overall ecological balance.

Insect intake

Backyard lizards are voracious insect consumers, with many species feeding primarily on insects and invertebrates. They help control populations of common garden pests such as flies, mosquitoes, ants, and garden-damaging insects like aphids. Lizards assist in maintaining a healthy backyard ecosystem by reducing pest populations.

Natural pest control

Lizards offer an environmentally friendly alternative to chemical pesticides for pest management. Their presence in the backyard can help reduce the need for harmful chemical treatments. By allowing lizards to thrive and providing suitable habitats, landowners can promote natural pest control and minimize the use of chemical pesticides.


1. Can I attract backyard lizards to my yard?

Yes, you can attract backyard lizards by providing a suitable habitat with native vegetation, supplemental feeding stations with live insects, shallow water sources, and avoiding harmful chemicals that may harm them or their food sources.

2. How can I ensure the health of backyard lizards in my yard?

To promote the health of backyard lizards, provide a suitable habitat with hiding spots, diverse vegetation, and clean water sources. Avoid using chemical pesticides and herbicides that can harm them or their food sources. Additionally, offering supplemental feeding stations with live insects can help support their nutritional needs.

3. Can backyard lizards be harmful to humans or pets?

Backyard lizards are generally harmless to humans and pets. They are more likely to flee than to attack if they feel threatened. Yet, avoiding handling them is important to prevent stress or injury to both the lizard and yourself. If you have concerns, consult with local wildlife experts or herpetologists for guidance.

4. Can I feed processed pet food to backyard lizards?

It is not recommended to feed processed pet food to backyard lizards as it may not meet their specific nutritional requirements. A diet consisting of natural prey items, such as insects and invertebrates, provides the necessary nutrients for their health and well-being.

5. Are backyard lizards protected by law?

The legal protection of backyard lizards depends on the species and local regulations. Some lizard species may be protected, while others may not have specific legal protections. It is important to familiarize yourself with local wildlife laws and regulations regarding lizards in your area.

Final Thoughts

Backyard lizards are fascinating creatures that play a valuable role in our ecosystem. Understanding what they eat is essential for appreciating their ecological significance and creating a habitat that supports their presence. From their feeding of insects and invertebrates to their ability to incorporate plant matter into their diet, backyard lizards showcase remarkable adaptations and hunting techniques.

Environmental factors such as habitat, climate, predators, and human impact also influence the presence and feeding behavior of backyard lizards. By considering these factors and providing a suitable environment with natural food sources, supplemental feeding opportunities, and clean water sources, we can attract and support these beneficial reptiles.

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I am Donald M. Beyer and I am backyard enthusiasts. I am a homeowner who has been doing DIY projects in and out of my house for many years. From simple backyard lunches to making an old-school pizza oven in my own backyard, I have a lot of experience in turning my backyard into my and my family’s personal playground.

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